“After working for nearly 20 years in all formats of terrestrial radio. From Top 40 to Adult Contemporary to Country to Rock and holding several positions within the industry (air talent, copy writer, news director and music director) I was offered a job at premiere radio networks as part of their Mediabase team as a music research analyst. After working there for 8 years he lost my job due to staff cuts when Mediabase was bought out by Sony. Then came internet radio, I began doing a show about 6 years ago on a couple different stations. That morphed into what JC’s Kick Ass Rock Show is now. A show that shines a little light on small label and independent bands, letting people know that there is more out there than what’s heard everyday on terrestrial and satellite radio networks. I can’t thank Hypernova Radio enough for giving me the opportunity to do just that!”
– Jim Calkins, JC’s Kickass Rock Show